Andy’s Data

C.I.B., MCh., BISS, MultiBOB
Kifahari Kuzaa Gimbya

D.o.B. 29th March 2013
Breeder: Mrs. Patrizia Graneris
H: 62cm
W: 32 kg
ED: 0
OCD: free
Father: Wa Kishujaa Dakari
Mom: Amali

Pedigree click here

Andy is the first RR in our life. She is the boss at home leading both boys, she is very smart and sly girl, always ready to protect us and… swipe food covertly. Andy has improved our daily life, she was our “only child” until 2016 and she is our soulmate.
Finally, she is guilty of my dog show passion. Indeed, she has obtained a lot of great results winning many awards in different countries.